La Maison Tournaire is proud to present its partnership with the great ceramic artist Georges Pelletier, creator of sculptures and lighting fixtures since 1950. Through their collaboration, Georges Pelletier and La Maison Tournaire take us on a journey of passion and extraordinary luminous creations.

Georges Pelletier & Tournaire creations: unique in the world

Georges Pelletier world-renowned ceramist

Georges Pelletier, born in Brussels in 1938, began his career with two years at the Académie Charpentier in Paris (École des arts et métiers, now the Musée Picasso). Afterwards, he worked at the Atelier Claude Pantzer. Occasionally, he visits artist Fernand Léger's studio, where he presents his work to the studio head and learns drawing.

En 1961, il ouvre son premier atelier à Paris, où il crée ses premières pièces uniques. Il est repéré par la maison Bobois pour son talent, et devient fournisseur des collections de luminaires Bobois de 1961 à 1973, où il a son propre atelier de fabrication dédié à la création de luminaires pour cette grande maison.

En 1973, il décide de partir pour le Sud de la France, à Cannes, où il installe un nouvel atelier. Georges Pelletier est un artiste reconnu dans le monde entier, ses créations artistiques éclairent les plus belles maisons du monde. Décédé en 2024, c'est son fils Benjamin Pelletier qui continue de créer, suivant les traces de son père.

La Maison Tournaire : Between Jewellery and objets d'art

Tournaire was founded in 1973 by Philippe Tournaire . Self-taught, he created jewelry with a unique style. Over time, Philippe Tournaire passed on his passion for Jewellery to his son Mathieu Tournaire, who today embodies the Maison's heritage. Jewellery Tournaire is a reflection of its creators, Philippe and Mathieu Tournaire : "Always in search of innovation and the never seen, never done".

Renowned for decades for its meaningful jewelry, Tournaire has a unique know-how, the result of blending the best of ancestral techniques such as lost-wax casting, with the best of the most modern technologies such as 3D design, used by the Maison de Jewellery for over twenty years.

These skills, which are extremely rare in France today, have attracted the interest of many luxury houses and artists, with whom Tournaire has collaborated to create exceptional pieces or complete collections. Today, Tournaire is also developing its own ranges of objets d'art, decorative items and tableware, known as " Tournaire Déco".

The Maison de Jewellery Tournaire and ceramist Georges Pelletier share the arts, creating works that are unique in the world.

La Maison Tournaire and Georges Pelletier have collaborated on a range of surprisingly artistic lighting fixtures. When Mathieu Tournaire discovered Georges Pelletier's work and the play of shadows that these incredible creations could create, he immediately had the idea of proposing a collaboration.

The play of light is created by the various sculptures that have been adapted to Georges Pelletier's work. To achieve this, all the pieces integrated into the ceramics were custom-made in the Maison Tournaire workshops in the Loire region.

The " trilogy Alchimie " collection features the symbolic and iconic shapes of the Maison Tournaire : an assembly of squares, triangles and circles representing the three stages of life's evolution: the past represented by the square, the present materialized by the triangle and the future by the circle. As well as elements from the " Engrenages " collection, which present a set of interlocking cogs whose strength is multiplied tenfold, as in a family or group, where the greater the number, the greater the strength. The motifs are also reminiscent of watch mechanisms, symbolizing the passage of time and inviting us to enjoy life.

All the parts created by Tournaire were assembled and mounted on the creations in Georges Pelletier's workshop in Cannes. The range includes three "Soleil" luminaires, two floor lamps and a totem pole. Each of these six pieces is numbered and limited to three copies, making them exceptional in their rarity. Through the art of working ceramics and precious metals, they wanted to create unique works that will delight art and ceramics enthusiasts.

The guarantee of uncompromising craftsmanship